Thursday, 16 October 2014

The Philosophy of Muhammadiyah: An Ideal Leader with Ideal Leadership - 16th of October 2014

Oleh: Ramdan Nugraha: Transkripsi Mata Kuliah The Philosophy of Muhammadiyah pada Program Magister Pend. Bahasa Inggris UHAMKA Jakarta


An Ideal Leader with Ideal Leadership

Muhammadiyah, as a big Islamic group in Indonesia has high competence in viewing an ideal leadership based on the leadership character of The Prophet Muhammad saw. which was the leader of Islam and led Moeslims for the short time, but his leadership has influenced people both Moeslim and non-Moeslim around the world to follow his meaningful values in leading individual, community, or even country until the recent time.
There are two terms which are used to define an ideal leadership. The firts, “Amir” which is defined as a person who can professionally lead and decide the state policy for politic, economy, education, health, security, and so on.  The second one is “Imam” who is outstandingly knowledgable in religion and become a spiritual leader. When among Moeslims have different point of view in ritually doing things, the “Imam” will have his knowledge to be put as the solution for kind of problems.
The Prophet Muhammad is the blessed human and both character of “Amir” and “Imam” are found on him. It has meaning that Rasulullah knows how to maintain the state (Islam) very well through the Islamic values which are known and implemented by him as an “Imam” as well. Once, Rasulullah got a question from one of the participants during his speech in a meeting; “When will the doomsday come?” said the participant, but Rasulullah just carried on his speech and kindly ignored the participant until he finished his speech. After that, Rasulullah asked the one who gave him question to listen; “when some foolish people get the trust to lead many people, it is one of the clues that the doomsday has been very close”.
In the current years, we see that Rasulullah statement has been obviously proved by many leaders among us do the wrong things, but they formally act well when they attend the formal occasions. They become someone else when nobody sees them as the functionary or official in the government. This kind of people are called as the formalistic leaders. Although the world seems going wrongly, Muhammadiyah consistently implement the “servant leadership” which means that leader should sincerely serve the citizenry or society. Financial, facilitation, respect, intelligence, are important for leader, but the leader’s dedication for his society is the top after the dedication to Allah swt. as the first priority. Muhammadiyah members will alway dedicate their energy, their thoughts, their money, for Muhammadiyah movements with knowledge and deep understanding of Islamic essential values. Muhammadiyah has deed of work in education field such as university, in this field, the members of Muhammadiyah who have capability or skills and intelligence will be professionally guaranteed to have a better chance to grow up. In conclusion, Muhammadiyah has the point of view that ideal leader is the one who can be an “amir” and “imam” as well. The leaders will also dedicate themselves to give better way of life by implementing Islamic values no matter how hard it is.

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